A Musical Interpretation on the Findings of Voyager 2


Custom-built interface, Cycling '74's Max, and Symbolic Sound's Kyma

On August 20th of 1977, NASA launched Voyager 2, a space probe designed to study the outer planets. The planned trajectory of the Voyager probes achieved an escape velocity allowing them to leave our solar system. They are currently the farthest human made objects from Earth. Affixed to the Voyager probes is a gold-plated record containing greetings, sounds, images, and music from Earth; a message in a bottle. 
In this piece, sounds and music from the golden record, combined with data acquired by the Voyager 2’s encounters with the outer planets, guide a musical interpretation of its journey. Raw data accessed through NASA’s online data portal has been translated into wavetables which are used in the synthesis of sounds for each section of the piece respective to that planet. Visualizations of this data are also used as graphic scores for the musical interpretation of each performer.